• Local Phone

    021 8690 6777

    021 8690 6771

  • GSM Celuller

    0815 8450 6669

    0817 6700 726

  • Customer Care

    0816 1740 8925

    0812 8006 9024

WELCOME TO AlatUji - Solusi Kebutuhan ALat Alat Pengujian, Alat Ukur, Sensor, Sistim SCADA Untuk Keperluan Quality Control, Produksi, Maupun Riset, Baik di Industri Maupun Perguruan Tinggi

Hardness Tester Inspecting Tube Ends

All NDT test methods have some limitation in regard to testing to the very end of a tube. These “untested
ends” must be cut off, resulting in a substantial loss of product and revenue, or the manufacturer needs to
develop a method to test these ends to meet the tube integrity requirement. Some industries require that the
end be tested to a higher level of integrity because it is being expanded, threaded, or welded in the field,
and end integrity is critical to the tube performance. MAC’s new UT End Tester provides a solution to this

MAC’s Echomac FD-5 electronics provide the
critical software for controlling the transducers
and receiving, adjusting, analyzing, and
reporting the test results.

  • Fulfills API 5CT & 5L
  • Detects ID & OD longitudinal and transverse notches down to 5% of the tube wall
  • Detects lamination 6.2mm FBH
  • Measures wall thickness
  • Innovative Automated Pitch Control
  • Unique end plug cone follows unstraight tube ends

PT Taharica.
Jl. Radin Inten II No. 62 Duren
Sawit - Jakarta 13440
(+62-21) 8690 6777, 8690 6771, 8690 6785
(021) 8690 6770
0815 1963 9621, 0812 8006 9024, 0817 6700 726